Episode 8 | Join J. Paul Duplantis and Mark Nadal on a 2 hour deep dive into Mark’s work with ERA, Inc and his GunDB framework to help build a better future through a peer to peer decentralized connection.
Topics covered:
*Gun DB
*AXE (Advanced Exchange Equation) Algorithm
*New Economic models beyond Capitalism and Socialism
*Building a new type of connection through browser extensions
*D.Tube Meething Video Conferencing
*The Marginalized Consumer
*Mark Benioff (Salesforce) Tim Draper (Draper Associates) Mozilla
Freeism https://hackernoon.com/wealth-a-new-era-of-economics-ce8acd785441
The AXE (Advanced Exchange Equation) Algorithm https://gun.eco/docs/AXE
Meething Video Conferencing https://www.zdnet.com/article/era-hatches-meething-an-open-source-browser-based-video-conferencing-system/
Regulating Monopolies, Open Sourcing Uber, and Dreaming Big with Mark Nadal https://youtu.be/0VeABkfCHqk (https://youtu.be/0VeABkfCHqk
Opt out of Money for Fun and Profit - Presentation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HJdrBk3BlE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HJdrBk3BlE
Pomp Podcast https://youtu.be/gB72Cu4BzGg (https://youtu.be/gB72Cu4BzGg
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